Feel the Difference


  • ₹ 1,440.00

  • MRP :1800.00

VAM is a simple way to help fight deficiencies and the problems associated with them.

Deficiencies may arise from poor diet, food grown on depleted soils, stress, pollution etc.


VAM deals with these problems by not only combining the benefit of three products – a multivitamin and multimineral, an antioxidant combination, and a magnesium supplement; But also using some of the most beneficial forms of ingredients known, to create a product unlike any other.






1 tablet a day.


60 tablets in a box (2 months supply).

Your body needs more care than you think

An extra effort needs to be made to provide the body the nutrition it needs.

Studies across the world are revealing the statistics on how common nutritional deficiencies are becoming. This can be attributed to the changes in the way people have begun to live. On one hand, the emphasis is on taste and convenience; while on the other hand, the soils on which our food is grown are depleted. Even those consuming a healthy diet may not be fulfilling their nutritional requirements. In addition, our body encounters high levels of pollution and chemical contaminants as well as both physical and mental stress.

The result is that the body’s nutritional demands are not fulfilled. This means that the body is overburdened and not receiving the vitamins, antioxidants and minerals that it needs to function normally.

Studies also increasingly confirm the link of these deficiencies as part of the root cause behind various diseases and disorders. In the short run this may only manifest as something trivial such as fatigue, paleness or poor immunity; but in the long run these deficiencies can lead to some very serious health issues like cardiovascular issues, hormone problems, cancers, autoimmunity, degenerative issues and can even accelerate aging.

  • STRESS and many types of MEDICATION are known to deplete several nutrients of the body.
  • Antioxidants are important to counter stress, pollution and toxins; Unfortunately, the fruits and vegetables containing these are consumed scarcely.
  • AVOIDING FAT may also reduce absorption of different fat-soluble vitamins.
  • Vitamin K2, essential to keep arteries clean and bones healthy, is rich in natto, hard cheeses, organ meats and sauerkraut. These foods are not consumed frequently.
  • Zinc is rich in seafood, red meat, pumpkin seeds and some nuts. However, these foods are not frequently consumed.
  • Most legumes and grains have high amounts of phytates which blocks the absorption of minerals like Zinc and Magnesium.
  • Your daily requirement of magnesium as per ICMR is 370 mg. Rich sources include spinach (approx. 150 mg per cup) and almonds (approx. 80 mg per 30 g). it is unlikely daily requirement is regularly fulfilled.

VAM Does it Better

VAM is designed by the same professionals at ParexNaturals who help people deal with their diseases and disorders from the root and contains the goodness of three products: a multivitamin & multimineral, a magnesium supplement and an antioxidant supplement – all in one tablet a day.

VAM goes above and beyond by using some of the best forms of vitamins and minerals available. From naturally extracted vitamin C and E, microencapsulated vitamin K2, bioactive forms of many vitamins and chelated forms of minerals – everything to ensure you get the most out of the ingredients put in.

VAM also consist of antioxidants and extracts such as lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, astaxanthin, glutathione, grape seed extract and ginseng extract which equip the body to fight oxidative stress and thereby inflammation and disease.

The ingredients in VAM contribute to the wellbeing of nearly every system in the body and can benefit immunity, energy production, vitality and promotes healthy skin. In the long run they may help protect the body from various diseases, balance hormones and even prevent early aging.

VAM takes care of your healthcare needs for both today as well as tomorrow.

How is VAM Different?

  • Uses bioactive forms of B vitamins.

  • Contains Biotin.

  • Contains Vitamin C extracted from Acerola cherries.

  • Contains naturally occurring 4 isomers of vitamin E extracted from sunflower and rapeseed.

  • Contains the finest Coated vitamin K2.

  • Contains Boron, Selenium and Chromium.

  • Contains highly bioavailable forms off Zinc, Boron, Copper, Manganese and Magnesium as glycinates;selenomethionine, chromium picolinate.

  • Contains 110 mg of magnesium.

  • Contains antioxidants like Lycopene, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Astaxanthin, Glutathione and Grape seed extract.

  • Contains ginseng.

  • Only one tablet a day.

  • Does not use the bioactive forms of B vitamins.

  • May not contain biotin.

  • Synthetic vitamin C as ascorbic acid is used.

  • Synthetic single isomer of
    vitamin E is used.

  • No vitamin K2 or cheap form of K2 maybe.

  • Boron, selenium and chromium may not be added.

  • Less bioavailable forms like sulphates, chlorides and oxides of minerals like zinc, boron, copper, manganese, magnesium, selenium and chromium.

  • Insignificant amounts of Magnesium.

  • Not much importance to

  • May not have Ginseng.

  • 2-3 capsules/tablets a day.


Individual ingredients:

This is the acetate derivative of the active form of vitamin A – retinol. Many supplements prefer the precursor form called beta-carotene. However, the conversion of beta-carotene to active vitamin A may not be sufficient in many people. Beta-carotene is found in food like sweet potato, kale, winter squash, carrots, sweet red peppers and spinach. Whereas foods rich in retinol are liver, cod liver oil, certain fish, cheese and butter. Vitamin A is an important element for keeping your eyes healthy, immune system strong, skin healthy and glowing, bones healthy, cholesterol at healthy levels and ensuring proper development and repair in the body. Deficiency in vitamin A can manifest as dryness of conjunctiva and cornea, night blindness, buildup of keratin in conjunctiva, dry lips, thick or scaly skin, low immunity and stunted growth in children.
Vitamin B1, or thiamin is a water-soluble vitamin that needs to be regularly consumed to maintain adequate levels. Thiamine is found in foods like nutritional yeast, spirulina, sunflower seeds, macadamia nuts, black beans, lentils and soybeans. Thiamine is required for metabolismandenergy production, protection of eye health and vision, to promote neurological health, support cardiovascular health, prevent muscle weakness, spasm and soreness and promote gut and digestive health. Symptoms of vitamin B1 deficiency may be chronic fatigue, gut issues, muscle weakness and wasting, neurological issues like decrease in memory or confusion/brain fog, weight loss, poor appetite, mood changes like irritability or depression and cardiovascular issues such as enlarged heart. Most supplements make use of thiamine derivatives such as thiamine hydrochloride or thiamine mononitrate. However, VAM uses a form of thiamine known as benfotiamine, which is more easily absorbed by the body.
Vitamin B2 o or riboflavin is an important water-soluble vitamin that needs to be regularly consumed to maintain adequate levels. Riboflavin is found in foods like liver, yoghurt, milk, spinach, almonds, eggs and lamb. Riboflavin is required to maintain healthy blood cells, boost energy levels, to support a healthy metabolism, to prevent free radical damage, to protecting skin and eyes and to contribute to growth. It benefits people with migraines and anemia. It is also useful in protecting cardiovascular health and protection against cancer. Vitamin B2 deficiency may result in fatigue, anemia, nerve damage, sluggish metabolism, skin disorders, swelling of mucous membranes and mood changes. VAM uses riboflavin-5-phosphate which is a more readily usable form of vitamin B2.
Vitamin B3 or niacin is an important water-soluble vitaminwhich should be consumed regularly to maintain adequate levels. Vitamin B3 is found in foods like chicken, liver, tuna, turkey, salmon, sardines, sunflower seeds and peanuts. Niacin is required to maintain a healthy heart and metabolism, balancing cholesterol, supporting brain function, maintaining skin health, preventing cancer and even has a role in diabetes. Deficiency of vitamin B3 commonly involves the skin, digestive system and nervous system. This may include sun sensitive dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia, inflammation of mouth and tongue, vomiting, constipation, headache, apathy, fatigue, memory loss and disorientation.
Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid is an important water-soluble vitamin which should be consumed regularly to maintain adequate levels. It is found in foods like liver, salmon, avocado, lentils, sunflower seeds, yoghurt, eggs and broccoli. Vitamin B5 plays a role in the energy production process, metabolic processes, maintaining nervous function, producing sex and stress hormones, maintaining a healthy digestive tract, boosting immunity, improving cardiovascular health, fighting acne and protecting skin health. Deficiency may result in fatigue, depression, insomnia, irritability, stomach pain, vomiting, burning feet, muscle cramps and upper respiratory tract infections.
Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is an important water-soluble vitamin which should be consumed regularly to maintain adequate levels. It is found in foods like turkey, pistachios, tuna, pinto beans, avocado, chicken breast and sunflower seeds. Vitamin B6 helps maintain a healthy metabolism, supporting nerve and liver function, promoting healthy eyes and skin, hemoglobin production, balance sugar levels,regulates sleep cycle, and boosts immune system. Deficiency of vitamin B6 may manifest as change in mood, confusion, mouth sores, muscle pain, fatigue and also associated with seizures and migraines. VAM uses pyridoxal-5-phosphate which is a more readily usable form of vitamin B6.
Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that acts as a coenzyme in the body which should be consumed regularly to maintain adequate levels. It is found in foods like liver, eggs, nutritional yeast, salmon and cheese. Vitamin B7 is needed to metabolize and use macronutrients available in our diets. It is also known to benefit the body by balancing blood glucose; maintaining healthy skin hair and nails; protecting brain function and fighting cognitive decline; maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system; supporting thyroid and adrenal function; and helping the growth and maintenance of body tissue. Symptoms of deficiency may include hair loss, weak and brittle nails, rashes on skin, aciduria, skin infections, fatigue, conjunctivitis, depression and poor muscle tone.
Vitamin B9 or Folate is a water-soluble vitamin which should be consumed regularly to maintain adequate levels. It is found in foods like spinach liver, asparagus, broccoli, mustard greens, kidney beans and avocados. Folate is essential for copying and synthesizing DNA, producing new cells, supporting nerve function, supporting the immune system and supporting a healthy pregnancy. Folate also helps the body utilize Iron, Vitamin B12 and Amino Acids; protecting cardiovascular health; may help prevent dementia, Alzheimer’s and depression. Symptoms of deficiency may include poor immune function, low energy, poor digestion, development problems during pregnancy, anemia, canker sores, changes in mood, pale skin and premature greying of hair. VAM uses 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate, the active form of folate, which is the form the body uses. Most supplements in the market use folic acid, which the body does not convert very easily. Un-metabolized folic acid is associated with several health problems.
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that needs to be consumed regularly to maintain adequate levels.Foods rich in vitamin C are black currants, red peppers, kiwi fruit, guavas, green peppers, oranges, strawberries etc. Vitamin C has a powerful impact on health. It is required to maintain heart health, act as a powerful antioxidant, enhancing brain function, support a healthy immune system and promotecollagen formation andhealthy skin. Deficiency in vitamin C can manifest in symptoms like easy bruising, nosebleeds, rough dry scaly skin, swollen/bleeding gums, weak immune system, dry red spots on the skin and joint pain. Most supplements make use of synthetic vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid. However, studies have shown improved results with natural vitamin C. This is possibly because of the synergistic effect of other components present in the natural source. VAM uses Vitamin C extracted from Acerola cherries.
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin which the body is able to produce on its own and receives from the diet as well. However, Vitamin D deficiency is among the most common nutritional deficiencies in the world. This is because of poor exposure to sunlight and lack of foods rich in vitamin D in the diet. Vitamin D contributes towards bone health and helps manage sugar levels. Deficiency in vitamin D may result in osteoporosis, heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, auto immune disease, depression, insomnia, arthritis, diabetes, asthma, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, psoriasis, fibromyalgia. Vitamin D has also found to be linked with weakness, fatigue, depression, trouble sleeping, anxiety, weak immune system and inflammation. Note: If you are dealing with a vitamin D deficiency, we recommend taking a more potent supplement along with VAM, under the supervision of your physician.
Vitamin E exists in 8 forms in nature: a, b, d, g tocopherol and a, b, d, g tocotrienol; however, most supplements typically provide a synthetic derivative of only one of these 8 forms - alpha tocopherol. Vitamin E is found in food like sunflower seeds, almonds, hazelnut, mango, avocados and broccoli. Vitamin E helps fight free radicals being an antioxidant, helps balance cholesterol, promotes skin and hair health, helps balance hormones, supports healthy vision, may lower risk of cancer, support strength and endurance and is vital for growth and maintenance. VAM uses all four forms of tocopherols, naturally extracted from non-GMO rapeseed and sunflower. Natural sources have improved absorption and activity.
Vitamin K2 is a fat-soluble vitamin not to be confused with Vitamin K1, which many supplements display as vitamin K. Vitamin K1 deficiencies are rare, however Vitamin K2 is rare in food and the production in our body is not significant. Vitamin K2 is found in Natto, Goose liver pate, certain cheeses, goose leg, egg yolk and grass-fed butter. Vitamin K2 is important in the regulation of calcium. It controls the destination of calcium. This is important because the calcium ingested should go to the proper places like bones and teeth and not remain in the bloodstream; which increases risk of cardiovascular problems like atherosclerosis. Vitamin k2 therefore protects the heart, supports bone and dental health, defends from arthritis damage and helps promote kidney health. Vitamin K2 is also known to improve hormonal balance, protect from cancer and enhance activity of vitamin A and D. Vitamin K2 deficiency may result in heart related problems like calcification, kidney stones, tooth decay, symptoms of IBS, poor blood sugar balance, metabolic issues and varicose veins. The form of vitamin K2 used in VAM is coated to prevent deterioration and ensure maximum availability to the body.
Boron is an underutilized trace mineral present in some foods like different beans, berries, cherries, sweet potatoes, onions, different dry fruits and nuts. Boron is beneficial towards brain function and concentration, maintaining bone and joint health, balancing hormones, promoting healthy muscle mass, preventing infections and fighting diabetes. VAM uses a form of boron called Boron glycinate. This form is a chelate between boron and the amino acid glycine. It is more efficiently absorbed over most other forms commonly found in supplements.
Zinc is an essential trace mineral with a variety of functions in the body. Zinc is found in foods like pumpkin seeds, beef, lamb, lobster, cashews, chickpeas, lentils, mushrooms and chicken. Zinc helps fight oxidative stress and boost the immune system, helps balance hormones, fight diabetes, maintains healthy cardiovascular health, aids in digestion and absorption, supports liver health, aids in growth and repair and even supports eye health. Deficiency may lead to symptoms such as poor neurological function like lack of attention and motor disorders, weak immunity and allergies, hair loss, acne, hormonal disorders, change in appetite, change in taste and smell, and even chronic fatigue. Data shows that zinc deficiency is one of the most common micronutrient deficiencies in the world and for that reason poses a serious problem. This is because simply consuming zinc rich foods does not always mean it is being absorbed. VAM uses a form of zinc called zinc glycinate. This form is a chelate between zinc and the amino acid glycine. It is more efficiently absorbed over most other forms commonly found in supplements.
Copper is an essential trace mineral essential for several biological functions. Copper is found in liver meat, dark chocolate, sunflower seeds, cashews, chickpeas and lentils. Apart from supporting functioning of antioxidants and enzymes, it also has a role to play in maintaining a healthy metabolism, providing the body with energy, maintaining a healthy nervous system and brain function, building and maintaining bones and tissue, proper growth and development, balancing thyroid activity, preventing anemia and is needed for healthy hair, skin and nails. Some possible symptoms of deficiency may be fatigue, paleness, anemia, thinning hair, unexplained weight loss, skin inflammation, weak immune system, muscle and joint pain, bone abnormalities and neurological symptoms. VAM uses a form of copper called copper glycinate. This form is a chelate between copper and the amino acid glycine. It is more efficiently absorbed over most other forms commonly found in supplements.
Iodine is another vital nutrient for the body. Iodine is rich in foods like kelp, wild caught cod, yoghurt, raw milk, eggs and tuna. The WHO estimates 72 percent of the world’s population is deficient in iodine. Iodine is primarily known to promote thyroid health. It is responsible for production of thyroid hormones and preventing goiter. This further influences the body’s metabolism, blood pressure, heart rate and energy levels. It also plays a role in boosting immunity and preventing certain kinds of cancer, removing toxic chemicals, maintaining healthy skin, promoting proper growth and development in children and maintaining healthy brain function. Iodine deficiency may exhibit symptoms like depression, difficulty losing weight, dry skin, headaches, lethargy, memory problems, menstrual problems, hyperlipidemia, recurrent infections, cold hands and feet, brain fog, thinning hair, constipation, shortness of breath, muscle weakness and joint stiffness. Potassium iodide used in VAM has exceptional bioavailability.
Magnesium is one of the most important minerals required in the body. However, various sources estimate that a very high percentage of population is deficient despite having balanced diets. Magnesium is important in the body for over 300 biochemical processes. Magnesium is important in balancing nitric oxide, regulating blood pressure, supporting proper growth and development, maintaining proper nerve and muscle function, maintaining proper peristalsis in intestines and regulating heart rhythms. Common symptoms of deficiency are leg cramps, insomnia, muscle pain/fibromyalgia, anxiety, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, fatigue, migraine, osteoporosis, poor immunity, mood swings and other deficiencies like vitamin B1, calcium and potassium. Most multivitamins do not give much importance to magnesium; neither in quantity nor in form. VAM uses a significant 110 mg of magnesium glycinate. This form is a chelate between manganese and the amino acid glycine and is considered to be one of the most effective and well tolerated forms of magnesium.
Manganese is an essential trace mineral which plays a role in numerous chemical processes in the body. Manganese is rich in hazelnuts, chickpeas, macadamia nuts, white beans and black beans. Manganese is important in maintaining bone health, functioning of antioxidants and enzymes, helps maintain cognitive function, supports lung and respiratory health, helps prevent arthritis, balance iron levels and regulate hormones. Deficiency may lead to weak bones, fatigue, anemia, low immunity, hormonal issues, changes in digestion and appetite and fertility issues. VAM uses a form of manganese called manganese glycinate. This form is a chelate between manganese and the amino acid glycine. It is more efficiently absorbed over most other forms commonly found in supplements.
Selenium is an extremely important trace mineral in the body. This is because selenium boosts the body’s antioxidant capabilities reducing oxidative stress which means protectingDNA from damage and reducing risk of cancer, boosting immunity, protecting cardiovascular health, increasing longevity, reduction in asthma symptoms and boosting fertility.Selenium also helps regulate thyroid function. Selenium is found in foods like beef, brazil nuts, eggs, sunflower seeds, lamb liver and tuna. VAM uses a form of selenium called selenomethionine. This form is a chelate between selenium and the amino acid methionine. It is more efficiently absorbed over most other forms commonly found in supplements.
Chromium is a trace mineral needed by the body in small amounts. Chromium is found in small quantities in foods like broccoli, grapes, red wine, potatoes and garlic. Chromium is important in the body to help regulate blood sugars, reduce high cholesterol, prevent weight gain and overeating, maintain brain health, maintain skin health and eye health. Chromium deficiency may include symptoms like poor blood glucose control, changes in appetite, weak bones, changes in weight, low energy, poor skin health, poor growth and development, low concentration and poor memory, worsened eye health and mood changes. Chromium used in VAM is in the form of chromium picolinate.
Glutathione is dubbed by some as the “mother of all antioxidants”. It is needed in the body to both directly deal with free radicals as well as recycle other antioxidants present in the body. Glutathione is useful in supporting the immune system, detoxifying the body, preventing cancer, aging, heart disease, dementia and much more. Although glutathione is produced in the body, its levels deplete because of poor diets, pollution, toxins, aging, stress, medications and infections.
Glutathione is dubbed by some as the “mother of all antioxidants”. It is needed in the body to both directly deal with free radicals as well as recycle other antioxidants present in the body. Glutathione is useful in supporting the immune system, detoxifying the body, preventing cancer, aging, heart disease, dementia and much more. Although glutathione is produced in the body, its levels deplete because of poor diets, pollution, toxins, aging, stress, medications and infections.
Lutein is a type of carotenoid antioxidant found in plants, mainly green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, broccoli and other colored vegetables and fruits like carrots, orange, papaya etc. Best absorbed with healthy fat in the diet. Nicknamed “the eye vitamin”, lutein benefits the body by helping prevent macular degeneration as well as provide other benefits to eye health. Lutein also helps protect skin from light induced damage and can help lower risk of diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that is capable of fighting toxins and certain pesticides. It is also shown to help prevent cancer, maintain eye health, alleviate neuropathic pain, is good for the brain, improves heart health and helps keep bones strong.
Lycopene is a phytonutrient pigment responsible for the red color in tomatoes. It is also found in papayas, watermelon, grapefruit, asparagus, red cabbage, mangos, guavas and carrots. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that is capable of fighting toxins and certain pesticides. It is also shown to help prevent cancer, maintain eye health, alleviate neuropathic pain, is good for the brain, improves heart health and helps keep bones strong.
Like lutein, zeaxanthin is another carotenoid found in leafy greens and yellow vegetables. It works together with lutein to help protect eyes from age related macular degeneration. Zeaxanthin also helps maintain other aspects of eye health.
Astaxanthin is a carotenoid and is known as one of the most potent antioxidants found in nature. It is also a pigment that imparts its red-orange color to organisms like algae, lobster, krill and salmon. With 6000 times the antioxidant power of vitamin C, Astaxanthin is known to improve brain health, protect heart health, keep skin glowing, improve immunity, reduce inflammation, improve physical endurance, boost fertility and support healthy vision.
Grape seeds are rich in different types of antioxidants like phenolic acids, flavonoids, anthocyanins and Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin Complexes (OPCs). It is purported that grape seed extract is beneficial in a number of conditions ranging from cardiovascular issues like high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, poor circulation and heart disease to cancer, diabetes related complications and Alzheimer’s disease.
The root of the Korean ginseng plant has been known to be beneficial for centuries. Ginseng contains various compounds such as ginsenosides, polyphenols, polyacetylenes and acidic polysaccharides which have pharmacological activity. Ginseng shows benefits in improving mood and relieving stress, improving brain function, lowering fatigue, reducing inflammation, helping with weight loss, improving lung function, lowering blood sugar levels, boosting the immune system and fighting cancer.

Individual Ingredients:

This is the acetate derivative of the active form of vitamin A – retinol. Many supplements prefer the precursor form called beta-carotene. However, the conversion of beta-carotene to active vitamin A may not be sufficient in many people. Beta-carotene is found in food like sweet potato, kale, winter squash, carrots, sweet red peppers and spinach. Whereas foods rich in retinol are liver, cod liver oil, certain fish, cheese and butter. Vitamin A is an important element for keeping your eyes healthy, immune system strong, skin healthy and glowing, bones healthy, cholesterol at healthy levels and ensuring proper development and repair in the body. Deficiency in vitamin A can manifest as dryness of conjunctiva and cornea, night blindness, buildup of keratin in conjunctiva, dry lips, thick or scaly skin, low immunity and stunted growth in children.

Vitamin B1, or thiamin is a water-soluble vitamin that needs to be regularly consumed to maintain adequate levels. Thiamine is found in foods like nutritional yeast, spirulina, sunflower seeds, macadamia nuts, black beans, lentils and soybeans. Thiamine is required for metabolismandenergy production, protection of eye health and vision, to promote neurological health, support cardiovascular health, prevent muscle weakness, spasm and soreness and promote gut and digestive health. Symptoms of vitamin B1 deficiency may be chronic fatigue, gut issues, muscle weakness and wasting, neurological issues like decrease in memory or confusion/brain fog, weight loss, poor appetite, mood changes like irritability or depression and cardiovascular issues such as enlarged heart. Most supplements make use of thiamine derivatives such as thiamine hydrochloride or thiamine mononitrate. However, VAM uses a form of thiamine known as benfotiamine, which is more easily absorbed by the body.

Vitamin B2 o or riboflavin is an important water-soluble vitamin that needs to be regularly consumed to maintain adequate levels. Riboflavin is found in foods like liver, yoghurt, milk, spinach, almonds, eggs and lamb. Riboflavin is required to maintain healthy blood cells, boost energy levels, to support a healthy metabolism, to prevent free radical damage, to protecting skin and eyes and to contribute to growth. It benefits people with migraines and anemia. It is also useful in protecting cardiovascular health and protection against cancer. Vitamin B2 deficiency may result in fatigue, anemia, nerve damage, sluggish metabolism, skin disorders, swelling of mucous membranes and mood changes. VAM uses riboflavin-5-phosphate which is a more readily usable form of vitamin B2.

Vitamin B3 or niacin is an important water-soluble vitaminwhich should be consumed regularly to maintain adequate levels. Vitamin B3 is found in foods like chicken, liver, tuna, turkey, salmon, sardines, sunflower seeds and peanuts. Niacin is required to maintain a healthy heart and metabolism, balancing cholesterol, supporting brain function, maintaining skin health, preventing cancer and even has a role in diabetes. Deficiency of vitamin B3 commonly involves the skin, digestive system and nervous system. This may include sun sensitive dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia, inflammation of mouth and tongue, vomiting, constipation, headache, apathy, fatigue, memory loss and disorientation.

Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid is an important water-soluble vitamin which should be consumed regularly to maintain adequate levels. It is found in foods like liver, salmon, avocado, lentils, sunflower seeds, yoghurt, eggs and broccoli. Vitamin B5 plays a role in the energy production process, metabolic processes, maintaining nervous function, producing sex and stress hormones, maintaining a healthy digestive tract, boosting immunity, improving cardiovascular health, fighting acne and protecting skin health. Deficiency may result in fatigue, depression, insomnia, irritability, stomach pain, vomiting, burning feet, muscle cramps and upper respiratory tract infections.

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is an important water-soluble vitamin which should be consumed regularly to maintain adequate levels. It is found in foods like turkey, pistachios, tuna, pinto beans, avocado, chicken breast and sunflower seeds. Vitamin B6 helps maintain a healthy metabolism, supporting nerve and liver function, promoting healthy eyes and skin, hemoglobin production, balance sugar levels,regulates sleep cycle, and boosts immune system. Deficiency of vitamin B6 may manifest as change in mood, confusion, mouth sores, muscle pain, fatigue and also associated with seizures and migraines. VAM uses pyridoxal-5-phosphate which is a more readily usable form of vitamin B6.

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that acts as a coenzyme in the body which should be consumed regularly to maintain adequate levels. It is found in foods like liver, eggs, nutritional yeast, salmon and cheese. Vitamin B7 is needed to metabolize and use macronutrients available in our diets. It is also known to benefit the body by balancing blood glucose; maintaining healthy skin hair and nails; protecting brain function and fighting cognitive decline; maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system; supporting thyroid and adrenal function; and helping the growth and maintenance of body tissue. Symptoms of deficiency may include hair loss, weak and brittle nails, rashes on skin, aciduria, skin infections, fatigue, conjunctivitis, depression and poor muscle tone.

Vitamin B9 or Folate is a water-soluble vitamin which should be consumed regularly to maintain adequate levels. It is found in foods like spinach liver, asparagus, broccoli, mustard greens, kidney beans and avocados. Folate is essential for copying and synthesizing DNA, producing new cells, supporting nerve function, supporting the immune system and supporting a healthy pregnancy. Folate also helps the body utilize Iron, Vitamin B12 and Amino Acids; protecting cardiovascular health; may help prevent dementia, Alzheimer’s and depression. Symptoms of deficiency may include poor immune function, low energy, poor digestion, development problems during pregnancy, anemia, canker sores, changes in mood, pale skin and premature greying of hair. VAM uses 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate, the active form of folate, which is the form the body uses. Most supplements in the market use folic acid, which the body does not convert very easily. Un-metabolized folic acid is associated with several health problems.

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that needs to be consumed regularly to maintain adequate levels.Foods rich in vitamin C are black currants, red peppers, kiwi fruit, guavas, green peppers, oranges, strawberries etc. Vitamin C has a powerful impact on health. It is required to maintain heart health, act as a powerful antioxidant, enhancing brain function, support a healthy immune system and promotecollagen formation andhealthy skin. Deficiency in vitamin C can manifest in symptoms like easy bruising, nosebleeds, rough dry scaly skin, swollen/bleeding gums, weak immune system, dry red spots on the skin and joint pain. Most supplements make use of synthetic vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid. However, studies have shown improved results with natural vitamin C. This is possibly because of the synergistic effect of other components present in the natural source. VAM uses Vitamin C extracted from Acerola cherries.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin which the body is able to produce on its own and receives from the diet as well. However, Vitamin D deficiency is among the most common nutritional deficiencies in the world. This is because of poor exposure to sunlight and lack of foods rich in vitamin D in the diet. Vitamin D contributes towards bone health and helps manage sugar levels. Deficiency in vitamin D may result in osteoporosis, heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, auto immune disease, depression, insomnia, arthritis, diabetes, asthma, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, psoriasis, fibromyalgia. Vitamin D has also found to be linked with weakness, fatigue, depression, trouble sleeping, anxiety, weak immune system and inflammation. Note: If you are dealing with a vitamin D deficiency, we recommend taking a more potent supplement along with VAM, under the supervision of your physician.

Vitamin E exists in 8 forms in nature: a, b, d, g tocopherol and a, b, d, g tocotrienol; however, most supplements typically provide a synthetic derivative of only one of these 8 forms - alpha tocopherol. Vitamin E is found in food like sunflower seeds, almonds, hazelnut, mango, avocados and broccoli. Vitamin E helps fight free radicals being an antioxidant, helps balance cholesterol, promotes skin and hair health, helps balance hormones, supports healthy vision, may lower risk of cancer, support strength and endurance and is vital for growth and maintenance. VAM uses all four forms of tocopherols, naturally extracted from non-GMO rapeseed and sunflower. Natural sources have improved absorption and activity.

Vitamin K2 is a fat-soluble vitamin not to be confused with Vitamin K1, which many supplements display as vitamin K. Vitamin K1 deficiencies are rare, however Vitamin K2 is rare in food and the production in our body is not significant. Vitamin K2 is found in Natto, Goose liver pate, certain cheeses, goose leg, egg yolk and grass-fed butter. Vitamin K2 is important in the regulation of calcium. It controls the destination of calcium. This is important because the calcium ingested should go to the proper places like bones and teeth and not remain in the bloodstream; which increases risk of cardiovascular problems like atherosclerosis. Vitamin k2 therefore protects the heart, supports bone and dental health, defends from arthritis damage and helps promote kidney health. Vitamin K2 is also known to improve hormonal balance, protect from cancer and enhance activity of vitamin A and D. Vitamin K2 deficiency may result in heart related problems like calcification, kidney stones, tooth decay, symptoms of IBS, poor blood sugar balance, metabolic issues and varicose veins. The form of vitamin K2 used in VAM is coated to prevent deterioration and ensure maximum availability to the body.

Boron is an underutilized trace mineral present in some foods like different beans, berries, cherries, sweet potatoes, onions, different dry fruits and nuts. Boron is beneficial towards brain function and concentration, maintaining bone and joint health, balancing hormones, promoting healthy muscle mass, preventing infections and fighting diabetes. VAM uses a form of boron called Boron glycinate. This form is a chelate between boron and the amino acid glycine. It is more efficiently absorbed over most other forms commonly found in supplements.

Zinc is an essential trace mineral with a variety of functions in the body. Zinc is found in foods like pumpkin seeds, beef, lamb, lobster, cashews, chickpeas, lentils, mushrooms and chicken. Zinc helps fight oxidative stress and boost the immune system, helps balance hormones, fight diabetes, maintains healthy cardiovascular health, aids in digestion and absorption, supports liver health, aids in growth and repair and even supports eye health. Deficiency may lead to symptoms such as poor neurological function like lack of attention and motor disorders, weak immunity and allergies, hair loss, acne, hormonal disorders, change in appetite, change in taste and smell, and even chronic fatigue. Data shows that zinc deficiency is one of the most common micronutrient deficiencies in the world and for that reason poses a serious problem. This is because simply consuming zinc rich foods does not always mean it is being absorbed. VAM uses a form of zinc called zinc glycinate. This form is a chelate between zinc and the amino acid glycine. It is more efficiently absorbed over most other forms commonly found in supplements.

Copper is an essential trace mineral essential for several biological functions. Copper is found in liver meat, dark chocolate, sunflower seeds, cashews, chickpeas and lentils. Apart from supporting functioning of antioxidants and enzymes, it also has a role to play in maintaining a healthy metabolism, providing the body with energy, maintaining a healthy nervous system and brain function, building and maintaining bones and tissue, proper growth and development, balancing thyroid activity, preventing anemia and is needed for healthy hair, skin and nails. Some possible symptoms of deficiency may be fatigue, paleness, anemia, thinning hair, unexplained weight loss, skin inflammation, weak immune system, muscle and joint pain, bone abnormalities and neurological symptoms. VAM uses a form of copper called copper glycinate. This form is a chelate between copper and the amino acid glycine. It is more efficiently absorbed over most other forms commonly found in supplements.

Iodine is another vital nutrient for the body. Iodine is rich in foods like kelp, wild caught cod, yoghurt, raw milk, eggs and tuna. The WHO estimates 72 percent of the world’s population is deficient in iodine. Iodine is primarily known to promote thyroid health. It is responsible for production of thyroid hormones and preventing goiter. This further influences the body’s metabolism, blood pressure, heart rate and energy levels. It also plays a role in boosting immunity and preventing certain kinds of cancer, removing toxic chemicals, maintaining healthy skin, promoting proper growth and development in children and maintaining healthy brain function. Iodine deficiency may exhibit symptoms like depression, difficulty losing weight, dry skin, headaches, lethargy, memory problems, menstrual problems, hyperlipidemia, recurrent infections, cold hands and feet, brain fog, thinning hair, constipation, shortness of breath, muscle weakness and joint stiffness. Potassium iodide used in VAM has exceptional bioavailability.

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals required in the body. However, various sources estimate that a very high percentage of population is deficient despite having balanced diets. Magnesium is important in the body for over 300 biochemical processes. Magnesium is important in balancing nitric oxide, regulating blood pressure, supporting proper growth and development, maintaining proper nerve and muscle function, maintaining proper peristalsis in intestines and regulating heart rhythms. Common symptoms of deficiency are leg cramps, insomnia, muscle pain/fibromyalgia, anxiety, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, fatigue, migraine, osteoporosis, poor immunity, mood swings and other deficiencies like vitamin B1, calcium and potassium. Most multivitamins do not give much importance to magnesium; neither in quantity nor in form. VAM uses a significant 110 mg of magnesium glycinate. This form is a chelate between manganese and the amino acid glycine and is considered to be one of the most effective and well tolerated forms of magnesium.

Manganese is an essential trace mineral which plays a role in numerous chemical processes in the body. Manganese is rich in hazelnuts, chickpeas, macadamia nuts, white beans and black beans. Manganese is important in maintaining bone health, functioning of antioxidants and enzymes, helps maintain cognitive function, supports lung and respiratory health, helps prevent arthritis, balance iron levels and regulate hormones. Deficiency may lead to weak bones, fatigue, anemia, low immunity, hormonal issues, changes in digestion and appetite and fertility issues. SEDOX uses a form of manganese called manganese glycinate. This form is a chelate between manganese and the amino acid glycine. It is more efficiently absorbed over most other forms commonly found in supplements.

Selenium is an extremely important trace mineral in the body. This is because selenium boosts the body’s antioxidant capabilities reducing oxidative stress which means protectingDNA from damage and reducing risk of cancer, boosting immunity, protecting cardiovascular health, increasing longevity, reduction in asthma symptoms and boosting fertility.Selenium also helps regulate thyroid function. Selenium is found in foods like beef, brazil nuts, eggs, sunflower seeds, lamb liver and tuna. VAM uses a form of selenium called selenomethionine. This form is a chelate between selenium and the amino acid methionine. It is more efficiently absorbed over most other forms commonly found in supplements.

Chromium is a trace mineral needed by the body in small amounts. Chromium is found in small quantities in foods like broccoli, grapes, red wine, potatoes and garlic. Chromium is important in the body to help regulate blood sugars, reduce high cholesterol, prevent weight gain and overeating, maintain brain health, maintain skin health and eye health. Chromium deficiency may include symptoms like poor blood glucose control, changes in appetite, weak bones, changes in weight, low energy, poor skin health, poor growth and development, low concentration and poor memory, worsened eye health and mood changes. Chromium used in VAM is in the form of chromium picolinate.

Glutathione is dubbed by some as the “mother of all antioxidants”. It is needed in the body to both directly deal with free radicals as well as recycle other antioxidants present in the body. Glutathione is useful in supporting the immune system, detoxifying the body, preventing cancer, aging, heart disease, dementia and much more. Although glutathione is produced in the body, its levels deplete because of poor diets, pollution, toxins, aging, stress, medications and infections.

Lutein is a type of carotenoid antioxidant found in plants, mainly green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, broccoli and other colored vegetables and fruits like carrots, orange, papaya etc. Best absorbed with healthy fat in the diet. Nicknamed “the eye vitamin”, lutein benefits the body by helping prevent macular degeneration as well as provide other benefits to eye health. Lutein also helps protect skin from light induced damage and can help lower risk of diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

Lycopene is a phytonutrient pigment responsible for the red color in tomatoes. It is also found in papayas, watermelon, grapefruit, asparagus, red cabbage, mangos, guavas and carrots. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that is capable of fighting toxins and certain pesticides. It is also shown to help prevent cancer, maintain eye health, alleviate neuropathic pain, is good for the brain, improves heart health and helps keep bones strong.

Like lutein, zeaxanthin is another carotenoid found in leafy greens and yellow vegetables. It works together with lutein to help protect eyes from age related macular degeneration. Zeaxanthin also helps maintain other aspects of eye health.

Astaxanthin is a carotenoid and is known as one of the most potent antioxidants found in nature. It is also a pigment that imparts its red-orange color to organisms like algae, lobster, krill and salmon. With 6000 times the antioxidant power of vitamin C, Astaxanthin is known to improve brain health, protect heart health, keep skin glowing, improve immunity, reduce inflammation, improve physical endurance, boost fertility and support healthy vision.

Grape seeds are rich in different types of antioxidants like phenolic acids, flavonoids, anthocyanins and Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin Complexes (OPCs). It is purported that grape seed extract is beneficial in a number of conditions ranging from cardiovascular issues like high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, poor circulation and heart disease to cancer, diabetes related complications and Alzheimer’s disease.

The root of the Korean ginseng plant has been known to be beneficial for centuries. Ginseng contains various compounds such as ginsenosides, polyphenols, polyacetylenes and acidic polysaccharides which have pharmacological activity. Ginseng shows benefits in improving mood and relieving stress, improving brain function, lowering fatigue, reducing inflammation, helping with weight loss, improving lung function, lowering blood sugar levels, boosting the immune systemand fighting cancer.


One tablet once daily with meals.

Diet and lifestyle are the other factors that need to be understood and looked into. You can take a look at our other content to learn more. You may also visit our clinic and learn more from our experts.

You can consult your physician to know if VAM is suitable for your condition. OR If you would like to address a particular disorder you have you can get a consult at a ParexNaturals clinic and know how we can help you.

Iron and calcium may interfere with the absorption of other nutrients present in VAM. Calcium and Potassium also require a lot of space within a tablet to be put in good forms and sufficient quantities. The FSSAI stipulates that the quantity put in a supplement made under the FSSAI shall not exceed those of RDAs set by the ICMR. ICMR recommends not more than 1 mcg of vitamin B12 a day which too insignificant to be added to this supplement.

Many products available around the world charge a much higher price for lesser quantities and poorer forms of nutrients. VAM despite being a premium product wants to be available to as many people as possible which the owners of the company have reduced their margins for. Do not be fooled by the humble price tag. VAM knows how important wellbeing is and intends to set an example for other companies.

If you are dealing with a particular deficiency, we recommend you to consult a physician to take the proper dosage of nutrient required. Especially if it is Vitamin D, which is present in VAM however larger quantities will most likely be required. Iron, Calcium and B12 are not present in VAM and should be taken separately if required. The human body also requires omega 3 which is typically lacking in most diets. It is best consumed in the form of fish oil or extracted from algae.

We do not recommend iron or calcium supplements to be taken along with VAM. It may interfere with the absorption of nutrients in VAM. If you need to supplement with iron and calcium, you can consume that supplement at a different time preferably.

a small amount of Healthy fats in your meals will help in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and should be taken along with VAM for maximum benefit.

Bioactive is the form of a substance that actually has biological effect. In the context of a multivitamin, most companies use forms of vitamins that need to be converted within the body before being used by it. VAM uses forms of B vitamins that are already bioactive. Bioavailability describes how well a substance can enter the circulation of the body A poorly bioavailable substance means it is not absorbed very well. A highly bioavailable substance easily enters circulation of the body. It is desirable that a substance is more bioavailable.